Doctor-Driven, Functional Neurology

With over 20 years of experience in private practice, Dr. Maya Thomas is a leader in her field. A board certified Neurologist who is fellowship trained in Epilepsy and Sleep, Dr. Thomas combines a conventional and holistic approach to medical care. A true believer that food is the best medicine, she is passionate that if you redesign your diet and lifestyle, you can reverse the course of your chronic illnesses.


Maya Thomas, MD

I happen to be a doctor but I am also a patient myself. I began this journey into Functional Medicine after experiencing severe acid reflux - so severe that it began to show pre-cancerous signs. After almost a decade of depending on prescription medications I never felt truly healthy. I wanted to fix my reflux, not mask it with drugs. After months and months of research and training, I learned how so many chronic illnesses, like acid reflux, are caused by an unbalanced gut, environmental toxins, and a breakdown of our internal systems.

I’m sure many of you are wondering - why are you talking about the gut when you’re a Neurologist? Well that’s because our brain and our gut are intrinsically linked to one another. Did you know 90% of Serotonin (the “happiness” neurotransmitter) is produced in the gut? A bad gut creates an unbalanced brain, which manifests in problems like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, headaches, migraines, early Alzheimers, and so much more. So I’m here to combine my 20+ years of experience in Neurology, Sleep, and Epilepsy with a more holistic approach in order to help you with your chronic issues. It requires in depth laboratory testing, modifications in your diet, and supplements to get you the nutrients your brain needs. My passion is to help you identify and fix the root cause of your symptoms. This is transformative care and it is just beginning. Join me on this journey.

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